33rd World Economic Forum
I was delighted to be invited (alongside 6,000 other delegates) to represent the ‘Together UK Foundation’ at this year’s ‘33rd World Economic Form’ in the Polish ski resort of Karpacz, two hours south of Wroclaw airport.
As well as attending a multitude of conference events, world pavilion exhibitions and listening to expert panels in audience-packed rooms, I also had the pleasure of being part of a panel discussing the opportunities of businesses from Central and Eastern European Countries entering the huge Indian market.
The icing on the cake for me was to meet again with one of the world’s leading military advisors to governments and the UN, our Buckingham University symposium guest speaker, Professor Gwythian Prins.
I was honoured to introduce Gwythian before he gave his guest lecture on the current theatres of war in Ukraine and Israel, and then to moderate a Q&A session following his masterful presentation.
I very much hope to arrange for a Together UK Foundation delegation at a future World Economic Forum gathering.
Andrew Grocock, CEO of Together UK Foundation